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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Is it acceptable to be satisfied?

meeting only minimum requirements; 
barely adequate

1. to fulfill the desire, needs, or demands of 
2. to fulfill the requirements of

How many times do we accept things in life? Doesn't matter what area of life you want to apply this to, I'm gonna apply it to a specific one in my head (and because my head is so thwarted most of the time, I'm going to just make this a basic blog and you can take it and apply it however you feel you need to).

Is it even worth trying to make the differential here? .. I certainly could blog about something else, but today I want to concentrate on this. I am going to satisfy my own need to vocalize how we sometimes allow ourselves to be alright with what is only acceptable. I wonder how many times I can use those two words in this blog...

Anyway, I can accept almost anything. Almost. There are just a few things in life that I can't accept. ... I tend to keep an open mind, therefore I also suffer from an open mouth (but that's a whole other story). Acceptance is a very important idea to concentrate on. The world around us changes daily.. there are always new fads, new personal issues, new flavors of the week to take in and make a definitive decision about. Am I going to accept this, or am I going to shun it and take a stance against it?

So many times lives are changed because of acceptance (or the lack of). But, I'm not sure I want to take this road in this particular blog. The form of the word that I want to concentrate on is: acceptABLE.

What is acceptable to you? What is acceptable to your spouse? What is acceptable in the eyes of the majority? that even important?

The problem I see with being acceptable is this: it's false advertising. You're looking for something that is great!..then this "acceptable" thing comes along and you're alright with that. For now. But what happens when something hits you and you need more than something acceptable?

Want an acceptable dentist? Or do you want to be satisfied with him/her? What about that 25 dollar steak you just ordered? You will certainly be full when you're done eating it.. but if it is simply acceptable, will you be satisfied? We can live our whole lives being ok with acceptable.. but do you know what I find at fault in that? ... Room for complaints and ultimately being unhappy. The danger in that is: if you find yourself alright with what you have found to be "acceptable" then it is going to be that much easier to drop when something even better comes along. Is that where we want to be? Constantly on the edge of going after something new and satisfying?

If you're alright with it, then I'm alright with it.

I know that I can really make this blog hard to follow if I don't just come out with my point... so to save you from a complete mental break-down I will cut all of the chit-chat and just hit you with the main idea I'm trying to make.

It is perfectly fine to live your entire life accepting things. There is nothing wrong with waking up day after day, living your acceptable life. Don't get me wrong.

But, when it's all done, and this short life is over; are you going to be satisfied with acceptable? How about this.. since words make an obvious difference here let me rephrase that question...

When it's all done, and this short life is over; are you going to be fulfilled with meeting only the minimum requirements?

I'll go one more... Will those around you (who you love and adore) be satisfied?

When we go to work, we should go to work in our best mindset. When the boss asks us to do a small project, we should do it and do it to the very best of our capability. 
When our family needs our support and understanding, we should give them that and more.

I use the title of "we" and "our" because I'm talking to myself just as much as you guys. I have these moments of self-actualization and I tend to try and talk myself through them. It doesn't always work, but I believe we are all creatures of habit; and if you believe it or not, we are all a lot alike. So, at some point I've got to believe that change is possible.

I had a bit of a rough night. I didn't sleep well, then I woke up and my day just didn't start out like I had hoped...then it got worse. Good news though, the sun is shining! I'm still breathing, and I have more to be thankful for than to complain about. Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. I have a simple rule for this. If it is the best you can do and you really tried your best, even if it is a plie of crap, it is very fulfilling to me. Anything that is half ass or cheaply made is not worth it. That does not apply to all types of situations, but it is just a generalization. What is acceptable is derived from perception, and everyone's is going to be different. It is also going to change throught our lives as we emotionally evlove. This is indeed a subject that could drive scholars mad. It is also intertwined with the term "settle." Are you or have you settled for someone or something that you feel was not good enough? Which could also lead to the term "narcissism." Whis could also lead you to being divorced, homeless, and very cold. Like 27 degrees tonight. *OuCh* Brain freeze. Great eye opening topic.
