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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I'm still kickin' chicken!

Yes, yes I know..

No, I haven’t fallen off of the planet. I’m still here. I’ve just been out of it the past couple of weeks. Let’s see if I can catch you up on the ins and outs of Auntie’s life.

Did I tell you guys that the princess broke her collar bone? I can’t remember if I covered that or not, but just in case I missed it…. The princess broke her collar bone.

Sunday, a couple of weeks ago, she was at her dads and decided she would watch Sponge Bob on the arm of the couch (brilliant!). Well, bless it… gravity works, and she found out the hard way. She lost her balance and fell on her right shoulder, which in turn cracked her collar bone.Big frowny face, right? Nope! Look at that precious smile, even in the midst of pain. 

Our luck, this was 6 days prior to her 5th birthday party. *Rescind the fun jump and bring in canvas and paint! So, we had a nice ER visit, and she has a very attractive blue sling on her arm (which she wears wrong 100% of the time). But, the pain finally subsided and she is healing beautifully.

Then, this past Friday, I had oral surgery. I had a jaw tooth extracted and a bone graft done to prepare my mouth for an implant. Just let me give you a tip here… IF you’ve ever had surgery…or IF you are going to have surgery in the future; do NOT look it up on YouTube. I am begging you. I have realized that the real reason they knock you out for surgery is NOT because they want you to be comfortable… it’s to keep you from freaking the HECK OUT! *shudder*

So… I have had a very interesting couple of weeks here. But, here’s the big news!

I am starting a weight loss journey. It’s official. I am making this announcement for accountability only. I am using you people. HA! No, for real… I am one of those people who needs encouragement. My personality appreciates thrives on really needs requires attention. Some people have this figured out about me, and some not so much. Some feed my need, others don’t really care. Doesn’t matter.

I am taking you with me through this journey, and I will keep you updated on my progress. I am going to start a series of photos to track my physical progress. I will not post the photos until I have ended my journey. So, this will be fun for me, and it should be interesting. I hope you can get some entertainment out of it. And, I think it will help keep me on track and in check. So. … Here we go! Weight loss journey is under way. I’ve made a goal to lose 72 pounds. By when? I don’t know yet. I actually started this journey last Monday, but I’m just now getting to you about it.

So far… I have lost a total of 9 pounds. So… only 63 more to go! Woot! That’s what I’m talking about! Doesn’t that feel good!?

Yeah.. I thought so.

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this? Shame on me. Bad friend!

    Sorry about the little one. She doesn't look too upset but I'm sure it hurts, poor baby. And I'm sure sitting in the ER for six hours wasn't fun, either (or cheap). Here's to quick healing. (btw she is so adorable. First pic I had seen of her.)

    HELL YEAH on the weight loss. Only people who have tried this know how hard it is. Congrats and keep up the good work. I'm doing the same myself. We'll keep each other honest. I know you can do it. We both can.
